Router – dd-wrt Bonjour/ netbios etc on two subnets


I have a network setup with two different subnets and One router is connected to a VPN (via OpenVPN) the other is not. Both routers have static routes to each other and a device on one can communicate to another without issues when using IP addresses.

My problem is I want to use services like Bonjour, Netbios and Apple Talk across the two networks, which currently does not work. A laptop connected on one subnet will not see a laptop connected on another. Is there anyway that you can connect the two networks together so these sort of local service will work?

Best Answer

Appletalk is a nonroutable protocol. Netbios has to be reconfigured to allow routing by setting up servers on both sides (don't remember the exact procedure, it's been a while). Never played with Bonjour but a quick Google also indicates it is nonroutable.