Active Directory – Setting Up a Local BDC with a Cloud Domain Controller


We have a domain controller (exchange box) hosted at our hosting provider. We need to set up a local domain controller so we do a VPN and local authentication tasks.

I can make the PDC accept all connections from our Office IP. How do I get the office router to correctly allow two way communications between the PDC (cloud) and the local DC. Is there a list of ports I need to pass through to the local DC?


"PDC" and "BDC" used for clarity–I know that the concept is obsolete.

Best Answer

1 ) Stop calling them PDC's and BDC's. That's been extinct for a decade.

2 ) If you have a VPN tunnel from your site to the provider, there are a TON of ports you're going to need to open, primarily DNS, RPC endpoint mapping, etc. I don't know the specifics and I'd be inclined to allow all traffic over the tunnel.