Router – How to map the fixed external IP to the router


Networking newbie question: We have business cable service and it includes 3 fixed IP addresses. I have forwarded a couple ports (Jabber, MySQL) on our router (CISCO RV802) to our internal server. Just a classic port forwarding setup.

When I try to connect from an external client to the services on the forwarded ports using one of our external IPs the connection fails. However if I use the external IP of the router I am able to connect. So let's say my fixed range is and my router's IP (as reported by is It appears that I need to somehow set things up so the fixed IPs route to the router.

Looking at the web management interface for my router I came across One-to-One NAT which sounded promising but when I set a rule to map the public IP range (73,74,75) to my private address of the router I received an error:

LAN Port IP Address was in the Private IP Range. You can't add any more.

Like I said, I'm a newb and just barely grasp how all this is interconnected so it could be the solution is simple and I'm just missing it. I'd appreciate any guidance at this point.

Best Answer

You have to manually enter the ip information into the router... the router should not be accepting IP's via DHCP from the ISP... Add one of the fixed ips in the Static IP address entries with the dns servers supplied and you should have no problem.. Have your ISP assign a DNS name to the IP Address so you can get to it by name...

FYI: What kind of router is it?

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