Router – How to separate a VMWare Server from the host’s MAC Address on the router

ipmac addressroutervirtual-machinesvmware-player

I'm running a Debian LAMP Server in VMWare Player, using a bridged connection.

However, on my router the VM is showing up with the same MAC Address… therefore I can't set the VM to a static address.

I've tried changing the MAC in the .vmx, but to no success. I'm not really sure what to do or where to look now. I've tried Googling and I guess I don't know what I'm looking for or I just can't find it, hopefully someone here can help out.


Definitely Bridged Connection

ARP Table From Ping:              00-1a-73-82-da-c9     dynamic             00-1a-73-82-da-c9     dynamic

7 is the Host OS
10 is the VM

Best Answer

It turns out it was a problem with the system running off WiFi. When I used the Ethernet connection, the MAC Address returned to what it should have been.

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