Router – Is it possible to assign an ISP provided static IP directly to a computer that is wired thru a dhcp enabled router before jumping to the isp modem


Ive got a block of 5 static IP's from the ISP at this jobsite i'm currently on.
the POS vendor installed a router, connected it to the modem, and did not configure it with one of the ISP's static IP's.
the device i'm working on, got plugged into this routers network (due to cable path issues, connection directly to the modem is extremely difficult).

is it possible to configure my device using the ISP's static ip, and have it route correctly thru the dhcp enabled (and dynamic ip configured) router?

my biggest question is the gateway address. will my device be able to resolve the gateway address of the modem thru the router? do i put the routers gateway address in my device or the modem's?

to ask it another way, is there a way for a device connected to the modem thru the router to bypass (or communicate thru) the router's gateway and communicate directly with the modem?

That doesnt seem to fully encapsulate the question either, but I cant think of another way to ask it, so let me know if I can clarify anything, or if this doesnt make sense at all. Thanks in advance for any help!

Best Answer

is it possible to configure my device using the ISP's static ip, and have it route correctly thru the dhcp enabled (and dynamic ip configured) router?


to ask it another way, is there a way for a device connected to the modem thru the router to bypass (or communicate thru) the router's gateway and communicate directly with the modem?

Again, No.

By definition, devices inside your router's LAN network need to use your router's LAN interface to communicate with any devices outside their subnet. If you set a device with a public IP address on a NATted network, it's not going to work.

The best you can do is to configure a 1:1 NAT on the router to NAT traffic to/from that IP address to/from the private IP of the internal device.

If you do not have access to modify the router's configuration, well then this question is off-topic here and you'll need to deal directly with whomever has administrative rights on that router.