Router – Mac laptop crashing wireless router


We have a office with a wireless router – whenever a particular Mac laptop comes in the wireless router needs to be rebooted.

Does anyone know the cause of this?

Best Answer

Have you attempted to capture the network traffic at the time using a tool such as Wireshark? What kind of router, and what kind of Mac?

There are several possible things to look at:

  1. The router firmware - is there an update?
  2. IPv6 - try disabling it on the Mac to see if the router dislikes any IPv6 traffic
  3. mDNS / Bonjour - I have seen el cheapo consumer routers react poorly to Bonjour traffic (or broadcast traffic of any kind). Needless to say the hardware didn't last long as any traffic from any device caused issues.
  4. DHCP - Where is the DHCP request coming from?
  5. n,a,b, or g - Try changing the type of connection and data rate if applicable.

Either way it sounds like the router has some kind of odd issue.

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