Router – Multiple VLAN sharing over dumthe switches


I already have a network for 4 kind of purpose (Local Network, VoIP, Accounting Depart, Sales Depart). All of them on same network (

I'm planning to separate these networks and i have decided use VLAN. I will use dd-wrt loaded Linksys WRT54GL for this purpose.

Can I use present dummy switches with multiple VLANs or do i have to separate all departments with cables and switches ? This option very hard for me because voip phones beside of computers and connected to same switches.

I would appreciate any suggestions.


Best Answer

the only way of mixing "blind" switches with dot1q switches is by cascading "simple switches" out from a port set in access mode with only one vlan - this way each branch of the network coming out of the dot1q enabled switch will act as a single network