Router – Routing to a floating IP between 2 servers on different networks


I have two servers in two different network subnets, there is a heartbeat between the servers and they automatically select active / standby. the active server will have a floating IP assigned to one of it's interfaces.

My problem is: how can I program my routers to route traffic to the active server?

Multiple static routes will not simply work, because the next hop address (the actual IP of the NIC with the floating IP will not be down in the server is in standby mode)

Network 1 is

Network 2 is

NIC 1 IP is

NIC 2 IP is

Floating IP is

Network 1 can ping 2 without any issues.
The routers are cisco and servers are on Solaris.

Any Ideas?

Best Answer

I think the easiest solution is to add another system (can be an old, slow one) in Network1. This system detects the breakdown of server1 (either by itself or it gets notified by server2 when it takes over) and takes over the floating IP. It also does NAT for this IP so that all traffic for server1 is forwarded to server2.

I have no experience with heartbeat. This would work only if the apps don't care about the IP address. And if there is enough available bandwidth between the subnets. The address problem could be solved by having another NAT system in Network2. More points of failure, of course.

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