Router – Slow and fluctuating server network speeds in a new data center


We have a server running Windows storage server 2003 with:
– an FTP server and
– VMware Server running a VDS with apache (vds runs windows web 2003)

This is in a data center and we just switched to a new network provider.

Before the switch, things were just fine.

We then switched to a new network provider in the exact same building (there are multiple companies that provide network services in that data center) and things have been very troublesome…

The speeds kept fluctuating and were at first extremely low, like fluctuating between 20 kBps and 100 kBps. Usually more like 20 kBps.

THEN- They said they changed the port speed on their router to auto-negotiate, and that improved things a lot, but we still have serious connection issues.

The speeds are now about 100-200 kBps and some people have no problems at all, but some people have a lot of trouble with speeds, and with the VDS, even some dropped connections.

Another thing is, maybe its just me, but the CPU seems busier than usual.

Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

As with any network issue start with layer 1. As suggested above, check duplex settings. Check all your cables for problems using a tester. Verify that you are using the correct pinouts on all your connections. If this is for EoC, make sure all pair lights are lit. If this is a T1 (bonded or single), check error logs for slip seconds, unavailable seconds, and check wan event logs for alarms. Ensure that all interfaces are active if it is bonded. Ping to your DNS and check for jumps in return time (jitter) or packet loss. On a business class level connection (t1, eoc, etc) you should see no more than 2% loss over an hours time when pinging the primary DNS. Have your ISP check your backhaul/trunk for over-utilization, force them to move you if it is more tha 80% utilized. Make sure your own connection is not suffering from over-uutilization, employ some sort of network monitoring using software like spiceworks or wireshark to track if necessary.