Router – the best method of diagnosing network bandwidth statistics


I am trying to diagnose a routing failure or a network hardware problem between some computers. I need to monitor network bandwith over time to see if I get any intermittent dropped network connections or anything like that.

My best idea so far is to use IPerf.exe and run it between the Windows Servers. Any better idea?

Best Answer

Sounds like you don't know if this is a network failure or a routing (or communication) issue. Wireshark might help you in finding out if this is a communication issue. To know if this is a hardware failure due to high amounts of bandwidth, or types of high traffic communication between the servers, then iPerf might be able to help you there. However, iPerf does not show you statistics on other traffic, it only reports on it's own tests up and down the stream. For that I suggest mtr (linux) or winmtr (windows) to measure possible latency issues, packet loss, high jitter as wells as other useful data between hosts.

Wireshark: alt text

MTR or WinMTR: alt text

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