Router – Wired/ethernet pure ipv6 router


I'd like to be prepared for the future and therefore would like to buy a wired/ethernet ipv6 router. The problem is that many routers that are ipv6 capable are only so by using 6to4 (or tunnels or whatever) which AFAIK is not pure ipv6 but just a hack (it is really ipv4 disguised as ipv6). I'd like it to support IPsec as well.

I've seen the list at SixSX but which are pure ipv6 ? This is for home use so the router must not cost a fortune like the Cisco ones cost ! I'm thinking < $100 ???

Am I jumping the gun here ? Is it better to wait even though ipv4 exhaustion is nearby ?


Actually, you can get ipv6 without buying a new router:

  1. modify the router's configuration to bridge mode with DHCP disabled

  2. reconfigure your operating system's network settings

Best Answer

If this is for home use, you're still jumping the gun by quite a bit. If you're curious, Comcast is documenting their IPv6 work here:

They do list three devices that they sanctioned for their (closed!) IPv6 trial earlier this year.

  • The Apple Airport Extreme
  • The Netgear WNR3500
  • The Netgear WNR1000

It would not surprise me in the least that OpenWRT has IPv6 support already.