Rsync and find files edited in last day


using rsync to do daily backups of our databases but i don't want to mirror the original every days and just download the files that have changed.

this is nearly there but when there's one match in the directory it copies everything over.
Eventually id get it to find files that have been edited in the last day (-mtime -1)

rsync -aP -p -o -g --progress `find /Volumes/MP_JUBBLER/testing/src/ -mmin -4` /Volumes/MP_JUBBLER/testing/backups/current/

thats just a test and normally we login into our remote hosting server so thought this would work but its a similar problem. as soon as there's a match it downloads everything;

rsync -aP -p -o -g --progress -e 'ssh -p 2020' root@'`find /var/lib/mysql -mmin -10`' /Volumes/MP_JUBBLER/testing/backups/current/

does anyone know how i can get this done? Any pointers appreciated!


Best Answer

You need to change your find to look at files.

find /Volumes/MP_JUBBLER/testing/src/ -mmin -4 -type f