Rsync fails to update


I have a script running on several computers that mounts a remote directory and transfers from the local disk to that mounted directory. I have rsync running with the -a tag, but for some reason files aren't getting updated.

From my understanding, if you put "rsync -av " then anything that is different on the local will be moved to the remote. When I run with a -vv tag it shows the files being listed and it says they are "uptodate", but if I run a diff on the two locations I can see that they are not(They differ by one line).

Is there something I'm missing?
It should't matter, but I'm running rsync version 2.6.8 protocol version 29

Best Answer

By default rsync only looks at file size and lost modification time to figure out if a file is up to date or not. While not perfect, it's usually a good performance trade off.

You might want to start by examining the modification time and file size value. There is also the option of using the -c parameter, which actually compares checksums.