Rsync files to a kubernetes pod


I need to rsync a file tree to a specific pod in a kubernetes cluster. It seems it should be possible if only one can convince rsync that kubectl acts sort of like rsh. Something like:

rsync --rsh='kubectl exec -i podname -- ' -r foo x:/tmp

… except that this runs into problems with x since rsync assumes a hostname is needed:

exec: "x": executable file not found in $PATH

I can not seem to find a method to help rsync construct the rsh command. Is there a way to do this? Or some other method by which relatively efficient file transfer can be achieved over a pipe?

(I am aware of gcloud compute copy-files, but it can only be used onto the node?)

Best Answer

To rsync to a pod I use the following helper:

pod=$1;shift;kubectl exec -i $pod -- "$@"

I put this in a file called "" and then run the rsync like this:

rsync -av --progress --stats -e './' source-dir/ thePodName:/tmp/dest-dir

If you'd like a simple script that wraps this all up save this as krsync:


if [ -z "$KRSYNC_STARTED" ]; then
    export KRSYNC_STARTED=true
    exec rsync --blocking-io --rsh "$0" $@

# Running as --rsh

# If use uses pod@namespace rsync passes as: {us} -l pod namespace ...
if [ "X$pod" = "X-l" ]; then
    namespace="-n $1"

exec kubectl $namespace exec -i $pod -- "$@"

Then you can use krsync where you would normally rsync:

krsync -av --progress --stats src-dir/ pod:/dest-dir

Or you can set the namespace:

krsync -av --progress --stats src-dir/ pod@namespace:/dest-dir

NOTE: You must have rsync executable in the pod image for this to work.