Rsync hangs when transfering large files on an bad connection


've been having problems transferring files over a pretty bad connection (I'm trying to upload a file on a cloud server) via rsync.

The rsync essentially hangs after about a minute or so. This is the way I'm trying to perform the upload:

rsync -avz --progress -e "ssh" ~/target.war root@my-remote-server:~/

There is no error message or other info. It simply hangs displaying something like:

7307264  14%   92.47kB/s    0:07:59

Ping-ing the remote endpoint doesn't seem to be loosing packages as far as I see.

My local machine is a Mac.

Any help on how to overcome this problem would be nice. Thank you.

Best Answer

Try it without the -z option, you could add -C to the ssh command if you must have compression (otherwise the -e ssh part is not needed as that's the default).