Rsync is just hanging, building file list


[root@centos /]# rsync -av --exclude thumbs /storage root@xx.27.1.xx:/storage
root@xx.27.1.xx's password: 
building file list ... 

I've been sitting for about an hour… it's 135GB of images and folders

/storage is a mounted ext3 scsi drive.

Is it normal for rsync to be sitting this long calculating the files/directories?

Best Answer

rsync 2.x does build a full file list up front.

Add the -P option and you'll see a progress indicator.

If you think it really is hanging, in another terminal find the pid of rsync and then

  1. Run strace -p PID and see what it's doing. (Hit ^C to stop.)

  2. Run ps -o wchan PID to see where it is in the kernel.