Rsyslog – Property Replacer Regex Requires Double Escape


Consider the following log line:

2019-04-20 21:17:57,505341,+0000 [Web,279,] c4da4857-63b1-11a9-a00a-b0521699037b TCP RX ...

I want to strip the timestamp 2019-04-20 21:17:57,505341,+0000 at the beginning before writing this log line with rsyslog.

I've leveraged the property replacer in a template using a regex to match everything after the timestamp as so:

template (name="mylog" type="string" string="%timereported% %syslogtag% %pri-text% %msg:R,ERE,1,BLANK:(\\[.*)--end%\n")

Notice the double \\ before the bracket [.

If I only use a single \ before the bracket rsyslog throws an error but works just fine with the double \\

I'm not very experienced with regex but my understanding is that a special character like the bracket [ requires a single \ to be escaped so that it can match the literal bracket in the log line. Why is it that a single \ doesn't work in rsyslog but double \\ does?

I'm using rsyslog v8.40.0 on Debian.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

You are right about the regex syntax, but you must remember you are providing it as a string constant, so you must also respect the rules for these which state that special characters (including backslash) are escaped with a backslash. The linked-to page has a link to an online tool to do the escaping for you.

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