RTP Proxy logs view


how to view rtp proxy logs separately . I actually want to view kamailio and rtp proxy logs differently.So I want to know that what are the command to view RTP proxy logs .can anyone help me ?

Best Answer

you can use syslog engine to separete them.in syslog.conf add a local lines and number as it has examples.

RTPPROXY : instead of LOG_DEAMON , put lOCAL(NUMBER) rtpproxy -l -s udp: -F -m 10000 -M 20000 -d DBUG:LOG_DAEMON

KAMAILIO : in .cfg file , there is a log_facility. set this parameter as defined syslog.conf.

you can add separetly lines different files as example.


xlog("LOG_LOCAL3","L_ERR","Load CALLER [$ci] FAILED");


local1.*                                                -/var/log/kamailio/kamailio.log
local2.*                                                -/var/log/kamailio/kamailio_direction.log
local3.*                                                -/var/log/kamailio/kamailio_err.log
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