Run included ansible task as standalone task


I have many Ansible playbooks that will get included in much larger playbooks. For example:

- name: Add user me
  user: name=me comment="Me" uid=9999 groups=somegroup
- name: Add my ssh public key
  authorized_key: user=me key="{{ lookup('file', '') }}"

Is there a way pass in a hostname and run this as a standalone task from the command line, or do I need to create another playbook to run these two tasks by themselves?

Best Answer

There are two requirements to achieve this:-

  1. the host you're trying to target must be in an inventory file
  2. you need to tag the tasks in the role you want to run

    - name: Add user me
      user: name=me comment="Me" uid=9999 groups=somegroup
      tags: this_role
    - name: Add my ssh public key
      authorized_key: user=me key="{{ lookup('file', '') }}"
      tags: this_role

Then you can:-

ansible-playbook foo.yml -i hosts -t this_role --limit

Not that this is still running the playbook that contains the complete play, but it's limiting the tasks that run to just those that match the tag. The remaining tasks will be skipped.