Run python script with Jenkins


I have an .sh file which spawns a simple http server with python3. What I need is to successfully run this file with Jenkins. The job goes "green" but the directory I try to serve with python http server is not available and the browser says "Request failed". ps -a also does not show any python process.

When I run the python command directly on the console the server gets started and ps -a shows the pid of python process. What am I missing?

Best Answer

It sounds like you are running into the Jenkins Process Tree Killer. Basically, when a build finishes, Jenkins kills any processes started by that build, even if those processes were moved to the background.

To stop processes from being killed, set the environment variable BUILD_ID to anything that doesn't contain the string JENKINS, for instance:


If you are using Pipelines instead of Freestyle jobs, the official docs say to change the value of JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE instead, but I use Pipelines and haven't had any issues by altering only BUILD_ID.

More info in the official docs and in the same question on StackOverflow.