Running Oracle 10g and 11g side-by-side


I recently tried installing Oracle 11g on a server already running 10g. Each would run independently with no problem, but 10g refused to run simultaneously with 11g. Can this be done? I don't need a solution so much as confirmation that it is indeed possible.

Best Answer

Yes, you can have different versions of Oracle installed and running on the same server. I'd probably go with different listeners on different ports. And you wouldn't want two instances with the same name running. There's plenty of other areas you'd want to be sure they don't bump into each other (mostly disk locations).

That said, running two instances (other than dev/test) on one server isn't generally recommended. If they are small, you'd probably get better performance as separate schemas in one instance, and if they are big then go for separate servers. Also consider virtualization as an option.