Running systemd based container in LXC


I'm currently trying to run an Arch Linux container using LXC on an Ubuntu 12.04 host. Arch Linux has recently migrated to systemd, which according to a variety of places has some problems operating as an LXC guest. However, many of these sources are substantially outdated, and I've seen various other sources suggesting that it is possible to run a systemd based guest, using things like lxc.autodev or devtmpfs.

As such, I'm trying to find out the following:

  1. Is it possible to run a systemd based guest inside an LXC container (as of February 2013)?
  2. Does anybody have an example template/config file to use with “`mkarchroot“ to get one running?

Currently using LXC version 0.7.5, but upgrading shouldn't be an issue if this is necessary.

Best Answer

answering to myself. The lxc-archlinux template is available at but it does not include the migration to systemd (as of Feb 15 2013) .

there are usable rootfs part of archlinux (e.g for i686 there also is a 64 bit version)

I did not run an lxc guest out of it yet but I got a functional i686 chroot from inside ubuntu 12.04 x64. 1/ download and unsquash the root image, mount it somewhere.

2/ as root (sudo) cp -ar the root filesystem to your location and chroot into it

3/ edit /etc/pacman.conf and update the arch line (by default it is auto, which pulls the ar ch from uname, but ubuntu and arch do not use the same designation)

4/ mount /proc /dev/random and /dev/urandom (this is needed by pacman and pacman-key)

I could not get pacman to run without package signature properly setup

5/ pacman-key --init (here it needs a good source of entropy)

6/ pacman-key --populate archlinux

7/ optional: pacman-key --refresh-keys (needs a working internet connection)

8/ edit /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist to activate mirrors relevant to you.

9/ pacman -Syy

ready to update or install new packages.

What's (direly) missing is the container startup. I'm not up to speed on systemd but if I understand correctly this is mostly a matter of starting dbus and systemd.