Running zabbix on same server as Apache


Currently I run Apache on RHEL and Zabbix on the same server. I can access the web server via and zabbix via I would like to be able to view zabbix using instead. How can I reconfigure Zabbix to work this way?

I was thinking of using an alias to the zabbix folder but not sure how to do that or if it would even work properly.

I have http installed as well as httpd24 from supplemental repo. The http is off and only httpd24 is running. I moved the zabbix.conf file to the conf.d directory and now I get permission denied.

zabbix.conf file is located in /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d/

Any suggestions on how to do this?

OS: RHEL 6.5

Alias /zabbix /usr/share/zabbix

<Directory "/usr/share/zabbix">
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

I granted access to /usr/share/zabbix in the httpd.conf file and now I can get the login page. However, after login I get a blank page. Viewing source shows no html.

Best Answer

Enable mod_proxy in apache, and then configure your vhost to proxy requests to /zabbix to http://localhost:81.