S3fs Input/output error

amazon s3fusersyncs3fs

I'm trying to set up a backup system with s3fs and the Amazon S3 service.
I followed this this guide and this guide.

Tailing /var/log/messages I get:

Aug 28 13:37:46 server s3fs:###response=403

I already tried creating the authentication file /etc/passwd-s3fs and setting the access and private key, passing it through the command line. I checked several times the credentials and I used it with s3fox, and it is working.

I also have set the time of the machine (with the date command) to be the same as the Amazon S3 servers (I got the time of the S3 server uploading a file with the file manager).

Not only does rsync not work, commands like ls or cp in /mnt/s3 didn't work also.

Best Answer

You can actually store the credentials in two places. System level or user level. Not clear from your question where you have things set. Each requires different permission settings.

For system level placement in /etc/passwd-s3fs the permissions should be 640. So adjust with chmod like so if that is not the case:

sudo chmod 640 /etc/passwd-s3fs

For user level placement in ~/.passwd-s3fs the permissions should be 600. So adjust with chmod like so if that is not the case:

chmod 600 ~/.passwd-s3fs

Also, the contents of each of those files should follow the fairly simple format of AccessKey:SuperSecretKey with nothing else needed. AccessKey on one side of the colon (:) ad the SuperSecretKey on the other side.

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