Safe and beneficial to enable HD disk cache for disks in RAID, or not

dell-perchard drivehardware-raidraid5

Dell Perc RAID cards (among others) allow you to set the disk cache policy to be either on (meaning, the individual hard disks use their built-in caches) or off (meaning, the individual disk caches are disabled). In reading discussions on the net, I find conflicting information about which setting is best. Some people say to disable the disk caches because a power failure can cause corruption of data; others say you can leave the disk caches enabled if your computer is connected to an uninterruptible power supply, and that enabling the caches improves disk performance even in RAID configurations.

Is there a definitive conclusion to which way the disk caches should be set?

Note that this is not about the RAID card's cache and caching policy – this is about the disks used in the array, not the card cache or the battery backup on the card itself.

Best Answer

You have answered the question yourself. If you have a UPS you can leave them on, if you don't then they should be off or else you risk data loss.

On most servers in the datacenter they will generally be using OEM firmware that uses the cache in a read only mode. (The equivalent of off) Writes will be cached by the RAID card with battery backed memory.