Salt: Minion did not return but salt-call is working


I am working with SaltStack on Windows minions (Linux master). I have written a simple .sls file which copies a hello-world.txt at C:/hello_world.txt. I have also written my top.sls and configure my file_roots. Minions keys have been accepted (and is working).

My current problem is when I call (on the master):

salt 'my_minion' state.highstate

I get a:

Minion did not return. [no response]

Whereas when I try (on the minion):

salt-call state.highstate

Everything works fine (The file is copied). I have tried to add the -l debug option on the master but I don't get something interesting.

Any tips for debugging?

Best Answer

Try increasing the timeout with -t 300 or similar. When I first started working with salt, I found that highstates frequently take longer than the default 5 second timeout.

If that helps, you can change the default timeout with timeout: <whatever> in the master config file.