Saltstack load pillar in a for loop


I'm developing a automatic proftpd installation whit Salt. I won't to get the ftp users from a template but I can't get work the pillar. I initialized the pillar whit the users data and call it into a for loop, but y don't get the pillar user data in the loop.

When I make salt-call pillar.get ftpusers in the minion, the response is:


This is my pillar ftpusers.sls:

    - user: user
    - passhash: j2k3hk134123l1234ljh!"·$ser
    - uuid: 1001
    - guid: 1001
    - home: /srv/ftp/user
    - shel: /bin/false

And this is the for loop:

{% for users in pillar.get('ftpusers', {}).items() %}

      - user: root
      - group: root
      - mode: 444
      - contents:'{{ user }}:{{ args['passhash'] }}:{{args['uuid'] }}:{{ args['guid'] }}::{{ args['home'] }}:{{ args['shel'] }}'
      - require:
        - file: /srv/herma-ftp

      - user: nobody
      - group: nobody
      - dir_mode: 775
      - makedirs: True
      - require:
        - file: /srv/herma-ftp
      - watch:
        - file: /srv/herma-ftp
      - name: file.set_selinux_context
      - path: {{ args['home']}}
      - type: public_content_t
      - unless:
        - stat -c %C {{ args['home'] }} |grep -q public_content_t

{% endfor %}

When I make in the minion

salt-call -l debug state.sls herma-ftp-server saltenv=My-enviroment test=True

Don't expect this for because don't can get the pillar data.

Best Answer

You should notice that pillars works like dictionaries. In you current syntax, to access to the pillar the key name is "ftp-server.ftpusers", not ftpusers. If you want the information in a hierarchy the usual approach is:

    - user: user
    - passhash: j2k3hk134123l1234ljh!"·$ser
    - uuid: 1001
    - guid: 1001
    - home: /srv/ftp/user
    - shel: /bin/false

Then in the template:

{%- set ftp-server = pillar.get("ftp-server", {}) %}
{%- for users in ftp-server.get('ftpusers', {}).items() %}
{%- do_something() %}
{%- endfor %}