Saltstack: use a Python module in both states and pillar


I have a custom module with a function that i can use in my states like this

{% set myvar = salt['mymodule.myfunction']() %}

Now I want/need to use it in my pillar. I have tried calling it the same way but I got an error

Jinja variable 'salt.loader.LazyLoader object' has no attribute 'mymodule.myfunction'

Is there any way to declare this module and function as valid in pillar?



The actual function is a simple regex to convert the minion ID to a short form of it. I finally implemented the actual functionality with Jinja in both states and pillar, and it works.
I want to use it in states and pillar to be able to load a .sls file if it exists to override default setting with per-minion ones.

So my problem is actually solved but the question behind: how to have a (execution) module that can be loaded in states AND pillar, is still relevant i think. I may rename my question.

Best Answer

The pillar compilation happens on the master, not the minion. This means that modules only available in the salt://... tree (e.g. in salt://_modules) cannot be used inside pillar files.

In order to use the module in a pillar file, it must also be made available to the master. In the default configuration, this should be possible by copying the module to /var/cache/salt/master/extmods/modules. In order to avoid having to maintain the modules in two locations, one might simply add a symbol link:

ln -s /srv/salt/_modules /var/cache/salt/master/extmods/modules

Depending on the values of the extension_modules and module_dirs options in /etc/salt/master, the actual path that has to be used might be different.

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