Samba – Apache unable to access mounted Samba share


I'm running Apache 2.2 on CentOS 6.5, and I'm having problems accessing a Samba share that I've mounted.

My web root is /var/www/html, and I've created a folder in the root called intranet, and I'm mounting the share to that folder using the following line in fstab:

\\remote.server\share\intranet  /var/www/html/intranet  cifs    rw,auto,guest,uid=apache,gid=apache 0 0

I'm able to access this share and read/write it as root. I'm also able to sudo -u apache to read and write the share. As far as I can tell on a system level, the share is mounted exactly as desired.

However, when I try to access the share by going to http:\\myserver\intranet I get the following message:

You don't have permission to access /intranet/ on this server.

However, when I umount intranet, I'm able to successfully access the plain folder intranet with http:\\myserver\intranet successfully, which tells me my httpd.conf and .htaccess is configured correctly.

As far as I can tell, the problem is that, somewhere along the line, some permission isn't translating correctly. I'm not sure what else I can do to solve this.

EDIT: I realize I didn't say anything, but I also have my httpd.conf and .htaccess files configure to FollowSymLinks. I've successfully tested this by linking a test directory and accessing it.

Best Answer

Ok, I figured this out. The problem was SELinux.

The policy httpd_use_cifs was set to off. I was able to see this by running:

getsebool -a | grep httpd

Then I saw that httpd_use_cifs --> off. All that was left to do was change the policy:

setsebool -P httpd_use_cifs on

Note: the -P flag writes the policies to disk so they will persist through reboots. You can omit the -P flag to temporarily test your policy change without committing it to disk.

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