Samba – Cannot access shared folder (samba)


I have a Linux server (Linux1) where I have already configured folders to be shared out. It runs on RHEL 7.2. The configuration of my /etc/samba/smb.conf is as follows:

    path = /home/share
    guest ok = yes
    browseable = yes
    read only = no

Everything was working fine, I can access all the subfolders and files in the shared folder from my other Linux server (Linux2). The shared folder was previously mounted as cifs as /mnt/share.

I then restarted Linux1, disabled my firewall, and restarted the smb service.

From Linux2, I can see my shared folder and the subfolders, but when I tried to ls into a subfolder, it says ls: reading directory /mnt/share/subfolder: Permission denied.

I don't understand why this isn't working now.

Best Answer

I just realized that my SELinux was set to Enforcing on Linux1, and that was causing the permissions issue. After disabling it, I was able to access the subfolders and files again.