Samba Recycle Bin – Files not deleting


I am running a Samba file share on Ubuntu 18.04, and have configured a recycle bin in the samba config file. When I browse to the file share with Windows file explorer, and delete something, it moves into the recycle bin as expected.

The problem occurs when I then want to clear out the recycle bin. If I click into the recycle bin folder, and delete the contents, a recycle bin folder is created within the recycle bin, and the contents are moved there. I can never clear out the recycle bin.

My /etc/samba/smb.conf file is:

;workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = File Server
security = user

  comment = public anonymous access
  path = /srv/
  browsable =yes
  create mask = 0660
  directory mask = 0771
  writable = yes
  guest ok = yes
    #Recycle Bin
    vfs objects = recycle
    recycle:repository = /srv/RecycleBin
    recycle:keeptree = yes
    recycle:versions = yes
    recycle:exclude = *.tmp,*.temp

Is there a way in which samba can permit the contents of the recycle bin to be deleted, without recycling them?

Best Answer

You may have found out the solution by yourself already but for everyone else I got it up running by doing the following changes:

old line:

recycle:repository = /srv/RecycleBin

new line:

recycle:repository = RecycleBin

and add:

recycle:excludedir = /RecycleBin,tmp,/temp,/TMP,/TEMP

So your full config would be:

;workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = File Server
security = user

  comment = public anonymous access
  path = /srv/
  browsable =yes
  create mask = 0660
  directory mask = 0771
  writable = yes
  guest ok = yes
    #Recycle Bin
    vfs objects = recycle
    recycle:repository = RecycleBin
    recycle:keeptree = yes
    recycle:versions = yes
    recycle:exclude = *.tmp,*.temp
    recycle:excludedir = /RecycleBin,tmp,/temp,/TMP,/TEMP

Hope this helps =)