Samba SMB Encryption – How safe is it


I recently set up a Samba server on Linux that allows me to access files on this server on Win10 PCs in my local network. But I wondered if I could access this shared drive over the internet since I also use a Win10 PC at school.

I set the following in my section:

workgroup = workgroup
security = user
encrypt passwords = true
smb encrypt= required

How good is the SMB encryption really? SMB was known as unsafe for public networking but since SMB3 there's encryption availeable and I wondered how secure this might be.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You could see the Encryption in SMB 3.0: A protocol perspective and Encryption in SMB3 for technical details, but I think the fact that Azure Files allows mounting over the Internet using (only) SMB3 is a sign that Microsoft thinks it's secure.