SAN Boot CHAP’d iSCSI Target


I have a few computers on my network that boot via iSCSI (due to dead HDDs) using chainloaded iPXE over DHCP. I wanted to enable CHAP for my iSCSI target to increase security (and learn). However, iPXE does not appear to support CHAP…

Is it possible to boot from iSCSI and use CHAP at the same time?

Best Answer

Yes, it is possible to use iPXE and CHAP at the same time.

You need to set iPXE options, either in script or through your DHCP server. The relevant options are (from

**Authentication settings**
username     (string)    User name
password     (string)    Password
reverse-username     (string)    Reverse user name
reverse-password     (string)    Reverse password