SAN newbie: What kind of fiber cables do I need to connect to the front end ports on the EMC CX300


I have an old CX300 I'm messing with and I cant determine what kind of HBA\fiber cables I need to connect a server to the front end ports on the DPE2.

The hardware reference doesn't give me any details and being new to FC-SAN all of the options are pretty overwhelming. I don't know if the ports are SC or LC or if it requires singlemode or multimode. Googling hasn't turned up anything for me either. All I know is that it supports 2GB Fiber.

Here is a pic of one the modules. You can clearly see the front-end ports (FE)

Best Answer

That picture is of an LC port. As TheCleaner said, the vast majority of fibre storage will be LC/LC, which means you want to get LC/LC cables and ensure than any servers you plug in use LC HBAs (interface card). You probably can't find 2Gb HBAs these days, but a 4Gb or 8Gb HBA will be able to negotiate down to 2Gb. A 16Gb HBA won't.

You can direct connect a server into your CX300, but the best practice is to use a switch.