Saving Wireshark capture settings for future use


Is there any way to save Wireshark capture options? So it can be reuse after restart Wireshark. Also, if the saved file is in plain text, it's possible to use scripts generating bunch of capture settings, such with different filter setting. Does anyone know? Thanks.

Best Answer

Using Wireshark 1.2 I would just recommend making .BAT file scripts that do your job for you. It's a good way of saving your settings:

:: Script to save a wireshark trace
:: tshark -D to get interface id
@echo off
cd C:\Temp\NetTracing
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Wireshark
echo Tracing host 127.1 or or

tshark.exe -i 4 -a duration:900 -S -f "tcp and host 127.1 or or" -w trace.cap

:: rename the trace with todays timestamp
set tdtd=none
set ttrn=none
set arg="%1"
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set tdtd=%%i%%j%%k
for /F "tokens=5-8 delims=:. " %%i in ('echo.^| time ^| find "current" ') do set ttrn=%%i%%j%%k%%l
set tufn="trace_%tdtd%%ttrn%.cap"

:: now archive the file
copy trace.cap %tufn%
del trace.cap
echo %tufn% > trace.log
echo Trace file %tufn% saved at %CD%
ping localhost -n 30 >nul