SBS 2008 SharePoint Incoming E-Mail – DNS issue


I have an SBS 2008 box with Exchange 2007 and Sharepoint 2007. I am trying to configure a SharePoint site Document Library to accept incoming e-mail. I've left SharePoint set up with the default "companyweb" name. I enable incoming e-mail on the document library with "foo@companyweb" as the address. I've configured I've used this link to allow Outlook to send mail to the "foo@companyweb" address.

When I send e-mail to the address I'm finding it stuck in the Exchange Queue Viewer. Next Hop Domain "companyweb" Delivery Type "DnsConnectorDelivery" Error "451 4.4.0 DNS query failed".

"companyweb" has a CNAME alias to the SBS server in DNS. I've tried flushing the cache, still no luck.

Best Answer

Sounds like you're missing the SMTP connector in Exchange. That'd get you in the loop you're now describing. You'd create a new connector (New->SMTP Connector), and set it up (roughly) like this:

forward all mail through this connector... : companyweb IP

Address space: Add "companyweb" type=SMTP cost=1 connector scope=routing group check "Allow messages to be relayed..."

You'll now have two connectors. Edit your internet smtp connector and give it a higher cost than 1. Now, exchange should check the connector for *@companyweb mail first, and then check the internet connector. If you don't change the cost, you'll likely get intermittent delivery.