SBS 2011: Disabling WSUS


I have a client with an SBS 2011 server that hosts their email, company data, and hosts a few other business services. The system has plenty of RAM; however their issue is HDD access time. The wait time for file access is horrendous. I have found that the SQL DB for WSUS is almost constantly paging the HDD.

My initial thought is to just disable the WSUS and related services. I am not on-site at this facility.

What ramifications are likely to occur from just disabling WSUS? or is there another solution to solve WSUS constantly accessing the HDD?

Best Answer

The main ramification is workstations not getting updated, assuming they're using WSUS.

Microsoft provides a WSUS reindexing script that might help if they're actually using WSUS for updates. I've found that that and running the cleanup wizard's tasks (not the wizard itself) helps a lot (I've scheduled Microsoft's script for that). Those may or may not provide enough of an improvement to keep it running.

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