SCCM 2007 not installing Forefront Endpoint Protection client


We've recently upgraded from Forefront Endpoint Protection 2007 to 2010 and it now needs SCCM to deploy the clients, so we are using SCCM for the first time and struggling a little bit.

SCCM is fully installed and appears to be working. The clients are XP and have the System Center clients installed on them, but the FEP client are in "pending" – never installing.

If I look at one of the XP Clients and go to "Configuration Manager Properties" from the Control Panel then I can see that the ConfigMgr Site Codes is right and the proper management point path is there.

As this is our first attempt at a SCCM 2007 install we could be missing something really basic. How can I tell why items in "pending" are not installing?


Best Answer

There's an overview of deploying the client here

A couple of things to check for any software distribution troubleshooting:

  • Look at the c:\windows\system32\ccm\logs\execmgr.log on the client. This is the log that tracks package installs
  • Are the clients actually in a collection to receive the package?
  • Is the advertisement mandatory? If you just set a start date with no mandatory installation date, the package will not run
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