SCCM (Real-Time Dashboard for Software Updates)


Do you know if there's any Dashboard on SCCM that would allow me to see in real time the status of the installation of patches when using Software Updates?

Something like this:

Client Status

YYY-CLI-01 | Downloading Update 1 of 37…

YYY-CLI-02 | Downloading Update 26 of 42…

YYY-CLI-03 | Installing Update 1 of 16…

YYY-CLI-04 | Rebooting…

YYY-CLI-05 | Complete

Thank you very much for your help and time!

Best Answer

One of the things SCCM is not good at is real-time anything. I like SCCM but it's not a "real-time" solution for anything really. It requires the SCCM client side agent to gather info and send back to the server - that happens often and fast (usually) but not in real-time.

that said, Look at advertisement status web reports, and clicking into some of the links in those reports will get you slightly delayed status for a computer that is running an advertisement. Those are probably the reports I go to most.