Scheduling meetings with no end date


In Outlook 2007 & Exchange 2007 we have an end user that needs to schedule a recurring meeting with no end date. When she tries this, she gets a permission denied error. When I try it (as Domain Admin), it works.

This is the exact error:

  • Your meeting request was declined.
  • It did not specify an end date. The end date must be before 12/13/2012.

The only 2 permission sets we have on the calendar are Default:Author and Anonymous:None.

I am guessing that the solution to this lies somewhere within a Exchange Power Shell cmdlet, but I am not sure.

Does anyone know how to fix this so that she can use the "no end date" feature?

Best Answer

She might be restricted by the so called BookingWindowInDays attribute, which specifies the maximum number of days into the future, that meetings can be booked:

enter image description here

To override this attribute, update her mailbox calendar (and the calendars of all resource mailboxes she needs to book) with the EnforceSchedulingHorizon property set to false, like this:

Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity "user" -EnforceSchedulingHorizon $false