Security – Apache2 mod_security simple default deny rules for specific directory


How to configure the simplest useful default-deny rule set for mod_security?

I want to configure mod_security to allow only very specific queries to single directory:

In short: I use Apache as a reverse proxy for directory /web_app/, in this directory will be a single php file named get.php. I want to pass to this script only queries that match the following regular expression:

get\.php\?ver=1&id=[a-f\d]{16,16}&v=[-.a-z\d\ ]{1,20}

In other words, queries with three fields only: id, ver and v. Where first is a digit 1, the second a 16 digit hexadecimal and the third is a string at most 20 characters long with letters, numbers, dots, hyphens and space.
It has to deny or remove from queries anything but POST and GET values, that is: file uploads, cookies, all non-essential headers, values other than the 3 specified, etc…

I don't want to change the way any other directories work, just /web_app/. Filtering out wrong UTF or URL escaping/encoding is not a problem, so enabling mod_security shouldn't be a problem in itself.

Best Answer

For filtering the argumetns, there is a much simpler way then using regular expressions on the whole uri:

<Location /web_app>
  SecFilterSelective ARG_NAMES "!^(id|ver|v)$"
  SecFilterSelective ARG_ver   "!^1$"
  SecFilterSelective ARG_id    "!^[a-f\d]{16,16}"
  SecFilterSelective ARG_v     "!^[-\.a-z\d\ ]{1,20}"

  # Here the same for the request type
  SecFilterSelective REQUEST_METHOD "!^(GET|HEAD|POST)$"

Will match on any argument NOT in the list only under /web_app.

You could find good examples in the mod_security documentation:

All othere parameters could be found there also.

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