Security – Blocking HTTP downloads but not HTTPS


Are there any security reasons why a network admin would block downloads over HTTP, but allow them over HTTPS?

Best Answer

If we talk about static file downloads without any authentication, the ability to ensure data integrity is one reason. However, encrypting the connection is just one tool for that as you could also use checksums to make sure that the data haven't been modified during the transmission.

However, blocking all HTTP downloads from anywhere will cause more problems than it would solve, as some content is only available on HTTP. From the opposite perspective, it's perfectly fine to provide downloads only via HTTPS for data integrity, and it additionally helps protecting the information on who downloaded what.

On the other hand, HTTP downloads have one advantage from the perspective of network administration: you can run virus (and other content) checks against the file in a firewall/UTM, before it even gets to the client computer. With HTTPS you would need to decrypt the TLS first; that would technically be a man-in-the-middle attack, while it has a legitimate purpose.