Security – Blocking ntp client from listening


I have been trying to build and configure ntp clients and server, and used this line in the ntp.conf for the clients:

restrict default ignore

Still, I see that my client is listening on the local network interface. From the system log:

Listening on interface #0 wildcard, Disabled
Listening on interface #1 wildcard, ::#123 Disabled
Listening on interface #2 vmnet8, fe80::250:56ff:fec0:8#123 Enabled
Listening on interface #3 lo, ::1#123 Enabled
Listening on interface #4 eth0, fe80::222:68ff:fe10:1529#123 Enabled
Listening on interface #5 vmnet1, fe80::250:56ff:fec0:1#123 Enabled
Listening on interface #6 lo, Enabled
Listening on interface #7 eth0, Enabled
Listening on interface #8 vmnet1, Enabled

0-1 are disabled, which is good.

List of open ports using nmap -sUS -O

Starting Nmap 4.53 ( ) at 2009-08-03 12:25 IDT
Interesting ports on localhost (
Not shown: 3195 closed ports
22/tcp   open          ssh
631/tcp  open          ipp
902/tcp  open          iss-realsecure-sensor
5432/tcp open          postgres
68/udp   open|filtered dhcpc
123/udp  open|filtered ntp
5353/udp open|filtered zeroconf
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.6.X

As you can see, ntp is listening on port 123. Why?

Any ideas?


Best Answer

The answer seems to be type of protocol used: NTP uses UDP protocol, which is connectionless, and therefore needs an open port to receive the time from the server following the request.

I guess I will just have to keep that port open, as NTP has a very good security reputation.

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