Security – Blocking repeated http requests in Apache behind a load balancer

amazon-web-servicesapache-2.2load balancingmod-securitySecurity

I have a number of EC2 servers on AWS running apache behind a load balancer (ELB). Every now and then some IP address abuses the API hosted on the EC2 servers and causes a denial of service. I have no access to the load balancer so I need to block access at the server's level.

I changed the apache access log to display IP's based on the X-Forwarded-For header provided by the load balancer (otherwise it just displays the load balancer's IP), so I can identify these IP's and block them (again by specifying the X-Forwarded-For) with something like:

<Directory api_dir>
                SetEnvIF X-FORWARDED-FOR "" DenyIP
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all
                deny  from env=DenyIP

However, this still means that I need to manually handle every attack, and my server suffers some downtime as a result.

What is the recommended way to automatically block attacks of repeated HTTP calls, based not on IP but on the Forwarded-For header coming from the load balancer.

Best Answer

You can do this with mod_evasive combined with mod_rpaf.

The former lets you limit by IP address (to stop DOS attacks, for example), the latter allows you to make the X-FORWARDED-FOR address appear as the IP, as discussed in the comments of the answer to this question.

(If mod_rpaf doesn't work for you, you'd have to hack the source of mod_evasive.)