Security – Can’t access windows share when in security group assigned to share


I'm a bit stumpped on this one.

I created a security group in AD called "special data users" and add myself to it.

I then created a share on a server and give that AD security group full access to the share.

If i try to access the share I cannot and get a permission denied error.

If i add my user account directly to the share or add a different security group that's been around for years that I'm a member of it works fine.

Any tips or suggestions on what to look for why this new group doesn't work would be appreciated. I've looked high and low and can't figure out why any new security group created doesn't work…


Best Answer

When you added yourself to the group, did you log out of your workstation and log back in? Security Group membership is a component of the access token granted to your user ID at logon and changing group membership requires a log out and log in order to get a new access token that reflects the new membership.

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