Security – Encrypted offsite backups – where to store the encryption key


In addition to regular onsite backups (kept in a fire resistant safe), we also send tapes offsite once a month, encrypted with AES. So if our site is one day vaporised by an alien heat ray, we should at least have one recent backup to recover from.

Except that the 128-bit encryption key is only stored onsite. So in the case of a true disaster, we would actually be left with one encrypted backup, and no way to decrypt it.

Question: What is the best policy for storing the encryption key offsite?

Whatever method we choose needs to pass a security audit, so "keep a copy at home" is not adequate, and "keep it with the offsite tapes" obviously defeats the purpose of encrypting them in the first place! A couple of options we are considering include:

  • A safety deposit box in a bank
  • Stored in the cloud or on a geographically separate network in password-protected form (e.g. using software like Keepass or Password Safe)

Of course, the second option poses another question: how do we keep that password safe.

Best Answer

This is going to be awfully subjective. I think we'd need to know more about your industry and any specific regulatory requirements to give good advice. What might suffice for a small business in an unregulated industry probably won't work for a large business in a regulated industry.

Keeping the key in the safe deposit box may be sufficient, given that the bank is supposed to authenticate the parties who have access to the box (typically with photo ID against a list of authorized parties). There is also a physical key necessary to open the box. When you combine these attributes with the box being stored in a physically secure location it looks more like a good place to store the key to me. Personally, I worry more about tapes getting lost / stolen moving to or from the safe deposit box, not being stolen from the safe deposit box itself. Alternatively you could get a safe deposit box at another bank with different authorized parties named simply to store the key material.

You might look to having corporate counsel store the key, assuming you don't have in house attorneys.

To get geeky and technical, there are various algorithms that allow you to break a secret key into a number of pieces such that the cooperation of some required number of parties is necessary to reconstruct the secret (known as threshold schemes). I'm not immediately aware of any practical implementations of any of these schemes, but I'm betting there are some out there if you search hard enough. You could distribute key material to multiple parties such that some fraction of them, upon getting together, could reconstruct the key. Compromise of any individual piece of the key (or any fewer number of pieces than the threshold requires) would not result in compromise of the key.


A quick search turned up sharesecret, a GPL'd threshold scheme implementation.