Security – Finding how a hacked server was hacked


I was just browsing through the site and found this question: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY. Basically the question says: My server has been hacked. What should I do?

The best answer is excellent but it raised some questions in my mind. One of the steps suggested is to:

Examine the 'attacked' systems to
understand how the attacks succeeded
in compromising your security. Make
every effort to find out where the
attacks "came from", so that you
understand what problems you have and
need to address to make your system
safe in the future.

I have done no system admin work so I have no idea how I would start doing this. What would be the first step? I know that you could look in the server log files but as an attacker the first thing that I would do would be errasing the log files. How would you "understand" how the attacks succeeded?

Best Answer

I'll start by saying this, if you have NO LOG FILES, then there is a reasonably good chance that you will NEVER understand where or how the attack succeeded. Even with full and proper log files, it can be extremely difficult to understand fully, the who, what, where, when, why and how.

So, knowing how important log files are, you begin to understand just how safe you have to keep them. Which is why companies do and should be investing in Security Information & Event Management or SIEM for short.


In a nutshell, correlating all of your log files into specific events (time-based or otherwise) can be an extremely daunting task. Just take a look at your firewall syslogs in debug mode if you don't believe me. And that's just from one appliance! A SIEM process puts these log files into a series of logical events which makes figuring out what happened, much easier to understand.

To begin to have a better understanding of the how, it's helpful to study penetration methodologies.

It's also helpful to know how a virus is written. Or how to write a rootkit.

It can also be extremely beneficial to setup and study a honeypot.

It also helps to have a log parser and become proficient with it.

It's helpful to gather a baseline for your network and systems. What's "normal" traffic in your situation vs. "abnormal" traffic?

CERT has an excellent guide on what to do after your computer has been hacked, most notably (which directly pertains to your specific question) the section on "Analyze the intrusion":

  • Look for modifications made to system software and configuration files
  • Look for modifications to data
  • Look for tools and data left behind by the intruder
  • Review log files
  • Look for signs of a network sniffer
  • Check other systems on your network
  • Check for systems involved or affected at remote sites

There are many questions similar to yours that have been asked on SF:

  1. How to do a post-mortem of a server hack
  2. Strange Items in Hosts File and Netstat
  3. is this a hack attempt?
  4. How can I learn Linux from hacking or security point of view

This can be an extremely convoluted and involved process. Most people, me included, would just hire a consultant if it got any more involved than what my SIEM appliances could put together.

And, apparently, if you ever want to FULLY understand how your systems were hacked, you have to spend years studying them and give up women.

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