Security – How to block 443 sites or allowed


I know this have been a very asked question here at serverfault, nevertheless i haven't got a consise answer (or havent read enough :D) i also know that some of you may think that it is an antimanager practice (it probably is) but the point it has to be done…

currently i was applying a iptables blocking policy combine with squid but that did not work because we need access to certain google sites or skype service and those are access by https and also interchange their ipaddress is really hard to keep the track…

A friend of mine recommend me Astaro i haven't see it yet, can you advice a tool that does a filtering/domain by port site?

Edit The question

Is there a way to block HTTPS sites by domain or the best approach to do it? Astaro seemed like an alternative but it pretty much look like a plain old web proxy

Best Answer

The trick is to use Squid with authenticated users. SSL traffic can't be proxied if you are running a transparent proxy. Squid can run both ways at the same time (on different ports):

http_port <ip>:3128 transparent
http_port <ip>:8080

You would obviously have to add some rules to allow and deny authenticated users to navigate where it is allowed or forbiden. Still, users who are accessing the web transparently, will be forbiden access to HTTPS if it is blocked on your firewall.

The other way (more dirty one), would be to get the sites allowed from a file, get their DNS records, and update/remove rules, something like:

Set a rule like this:

iptables -N SSL_FORWARD
iptables -A FORWARD -s <NET> -p tcp --dport 443 -j SSL_FORWARD
iptables -A FORWARD -s <NET> -p tcp --dport -j DROP

This would create a new chain SSL_FORWARD, and send packets coming from your net destined to port 443 to be evaluated on this new chain. If the packet doesn't match any rule inside this chain, then it will be dropped.

Then, regularly execute this little script:

# Flush SSL_FORWARD chain
iptables -F SSL_FORWARD

# Iterate through each line of this file, and then get
# it DNS records
for domain in `cat /path/to/`; do

  for line in `dig ${domain} +short` ; do
    [ -z "`echo ${line} | grep '^[0-9.]*$'`" ] && continue
    iptables -A SSL_FORWARD -s <NET> -d ${line} -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
