Security – How to block all root login attempts using denyhosts and or fail2ban


I currently block all ssh logins using root. But I wanted to go the extra mile and block the ip address of the client who tried to login as root. I currently have denyhosts and fail2ban setup and working, can I use denyhosts and or fail2ban to block the ip addresses of those who try to login as root?

Best Answer

Depending on your distribution, edit /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf Update the [ssh] section to show something like this


enabled = true
port    = ssh
filter  = sshd
logpath  = /var/log/auth.log
bantime = 3600
maxretry = 3

Change the parameters as required. It won't specifically block root, but every attempt that fails. Be careful with maxretry and the bantime. If you fail with your own password, while maxtretry set to low, you block yourself for the bantime. Restart fail2ban.

I wouldn't try to block the IP forever as a lot of attempts come from dynamic IPs which could block some legitim users at a later point of time.

(Some distributions offer a jail.options file for your modifications. This is the preferred place to put your changes to as it shouldn't be affected by updates overwriting the conf.)