Google Cloud Platform – How to Connect to a Third Party VPN



  1. I am trying to connect to a third party VPN from my back end on Google Cloud Platform.

  2. Since my IP has to be whitelisted by the third party, the source IP for all requests must be a single static IP address.

My plan so far…

Currently I plan to run a Kubernetes service that runs as a "proxy", such that the service is connected to the VPN and the rest of my back end can send requests to the proxy. Requests from my back end to the proxy service should obviously not run via the VPN, but requests from the proxy service to the third party should run on the VPN.

The challenge

I know how to reserve an IP address, but I don't even know where to begin to set up a VPN client.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

The VPN Interoperability Guides documentation offered by Google is a great place to start exploring the VPN connectivity with third party solutions.

The main idea is to make sure that your networks and subnets from each side of the VPN do not overlap. For instance, if you use for your Kubernetes deployment, you cannot have the same range on the remote side as well.

Once you have decided on the ranges to you use, you can set up the VPN. You can follow this how-to for more in-depth explanation on the parameters required.

Also make sure you review and modify the corresponding rules in the Firewall in both networks for the traffic to be allowed.